Vibrant Village Foundation was established in Kenya in 2013. VVF Kenya works in four counties in Western Kenya, namely: Vihiga, Kisumu, Kakamega and Siaya, and focuses on empowering rural communities to obtain long term, sustainable solutions to development challenges. This is achieved through programs in education, agriculture and rural financial inclusion.
The mission of Vibrant Village Foundation Kenya is to support communities to find, incubate, and develop knowledge, skills, tools, and expertise that are applicable in finding long-term solutions to the development obstacles within the local contexts. In 2023, VVF Kenya adopted the Kenya Integrated Program on Wealth Creation, Literacy, and Livelihoods (KIPWELL) that is aligned with the organizational mission. This program model has four cross cutting elements of gender inclusion, youth participation, rural financial inclusion and broad-based partnerships for rural development. The primary goal of KIPWELL is to empower rural communities in rural Western Kenya to find sustainable solutions to their development challenges. There are three program intervention components of KIPWELL:
(1) Program on Education Equity and Literacy (PEEL) focused on enhancing educational equity and literacy in rural Western Kenya.
(2) Rural Enterprise, Innovations and Development (REID) focused on the formation and registration of business minded groups, entrepreneurship and VSLA support.
(3) Program on Regenerative Agriculture Transformation (PRAT) focusing on developing inclusive and sustainable mechanization in regenerative agricultural value chains. This program seeks to connect small and medium-scale farmers to entrepreneurial mechanized services, reliable markets, and innovative financing.